Our Second Soror Spotlight this week is Soror Miikeda Brackett. Soror Brackett has been with Eta Mu Zeta since 2012. Currently she is overseas serving our Country. We cannot wait until she returns stateside, and we are able to fellowship with her again.
Let's get to know Soror Brackett! When and where did you become a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated? May 20, 2008 Theta Omicron Zeta – Las Vegas, NV Why did you choose Zeta? The Sorors I met cared about me as a person whether I decided to pursue Zeta or not. Where did you go to school? What is your major? University of Nevada – Las Vegas BS – Kinesiological Sciences Who was the International President when you were initiated? Barbara C. Moore What is your profession? Manpower Analyst – USAF AD What is a fond Zeta Memory? Road tripping to San Francisco for the 2009 Pacific Regional Conference and being the only chapter to participate in the step show exhibition. It was supposed to be contest but, no other chapters signed up. We didn’t care, we were ready to represent. What are some of your Hobbies and Interest? Trying new food, traveling, reading, just experiencing new things. What Positions have you held in Zeta on any level? Chapter Secretary
Please share a quote, passage, or bible verse that resonates with you.
“It takes a village to raise a child!” African Proverb
What Zeta Principle do you most relate to and why?
Sisterhood – I have been blessed to be mentored and supported by so many amazing women. They have been there to provide advice and encouragement in some of the best and worst times of life.
