Soror Shakara DeBose is a new initiate into Zeta, and a New Member in our chapter. Soror DeBose is a member of our Fall 2020 Centennial Intake Group. We are pleased to welcome Soror DeBose and look forward to the work she will do in Zeta.
Let's get to know Soror Debose!
Please tell us your name
Shakara “ Roxxy” Debose
When and where did you become a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated?
14 November 2020, Eta Mu Zeta – Tacoma, Washington
Why did you choose Zeta?
The Sorors I met in my journey have displayed such overwhelming amount of sisterhood, that coupled with involvement of our organization locally and nationally really speaks who I desire/aspire to be.
Where did you go to school? What is your major?
Trident University International ; BS – Human Resources Management
Who was the International Grand Basileus when you were initiated?
Valerie Hollingworth- Baker
What is your profession? Are you still actively working? If not, are you retired?
Human Resources Manager in the US Army, current rank of E8/Master Sergeant
What is a fond Zeta Memory?
My journey has just begun however, my fond memory has been I met the most amazing women and our bond is unbreakable. I look forward to making memories with them and continue to expand my horizon and get to know other Sorors along the way.
What are some of your Hobbies and Interest?
Trying new food, traveling, reading, scrapbooking, and trying something new.
What Positions have you held in Zeta on any level?
Please share a quote, passage, or bible verse that resonates with you
“Inhale the future, Exhale the past. Inhale the good, exhale the goop.” Barbara O
What Zeta Principle do you most relate to and why?
Sisterhood- God has allowed so many women to come into my life. I have learned so much from each one of them. Some of the relationships may have been for a season. However, in that season is when I needed them, or they needed me most. I have been blessed to stay in contact with quite a few ladies. I love when we can come together and be like hearted. If the bond is strong you can get a lot of things done together. Even in challenges, if the sisterhood is solid, you can get through anything.
